New posts in serialization

Jackson: How to add custom property to the JSON without modifying the POJO

Django Rest Framework writable nested serializers

NewtonSoft.Json Serialize and Deserialize class with property of type IEnumerable<ISomeInterface>

Django Rest Framework :How to serialize many to many field

XML Deserialization of collection property with code defaults

Wrap properties with CData Section - XML Serialization C#

caliburn.micro serialization issue when implementing PropertyChangedBase

Json.NET custom serialization with JsonConverter - how to get the "default" behavior

Ignoring a field during .NET JSON serialization; similar to [XmlIgnore]?

How to make JSON.Net serializer to call ToString() when serializing a particular type?

How to serialize static data members of a Java class?

How to serialize object to CSV file?

how to test in Java that a class implements Serializable correctly (not just is an instance of Serializable)

Self referencing loop detected - Getting back data from WebApi to the browser

How do I serialize a DOM to XML text, using JavaScript, in a cross browser way?

Is it ok to save a JSON array in SharedPreferences?

PHP unserialize fails with non-encoded characters?

convert json to C# class

Writing Custom Kafka Serializer

How do I serialize a Python dictionary into a string, and then back to a dictionary?