New posts in apache-kafka

org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException: Topic not present in metadata after 60000 ms

From Kafka json message to Snowflake table

Apple M1: can't start the confluent control center using docker

Which directory does apache kafka store the data in broker nodes

zookeeper is not a recognized option when executing

How to change start offset for topic?

How to transform a Kafka Stream event and send it to another topic only if could be transformed

Handling bad messages using Kafka's Streams API

How to see the retention for a particular topic in kafka

Structured streaming schema from Kafka JSON - query error

How do I set the Java options for Kafka?

How to integrate Oracle and Kafka

Topics, partitions and keys

What is a simple, effective way to debug custom Kafka connectors?

difference between groupid and consumerid in Kafka consumer

Kafka 0.11 how to reset offsets

Zookeeper & Kafka error KeeperErrorCode=NodeExists

Synchronising transactions between database and Kafka producer

Why I cannot connect to Kafka from outside?

classpath is empty. please build the project first