New posts in sed

How to remove one line from repository with sed

How to remove all of the diacritics from a file?

How to remove square brackets, any text inside, and space after & before the brackets?

Mac sed not the same as linux

sed command in single quotes works but it doesn't using double quotes

How to change date format in sed?

SQL like group by and sum for text files in command line?

Using sed to edit any one of the occurrence of a matching pattern

How to escape "." with sed or grep?

How can I delete text that is NOT in quotes or parentheses?

How can I edit a range of text between 2 symbols? awk, sed, regex

Searching line by line text between first two matches

excluding first and last lines from sed /START/,/END/

How do I add a line of text to the middle of a file using bash?

bash, display only in case output has count of n characters

sed gives me ": unexpected EOF (pending }'s) error and I have no idea why

What does `-e` option in sed do?

replacing multiple line pattern in sed

Get java version number from python

Sed command with apostrophe