New posts in scala

Scala boilerplate: lack of common superclass of Iterable and ParIterable

Viewing Scaladoc in Eclipse

Equivalent to Ruby's #tap method in Scala [duplicate]

Why is this implicit ambiguity behaviour happening?

println vs System.out.println in Scala

Add Number of days column to Date Column in same dataframe for Spark Scala App

Working regex fails when using Scala pattern matching

Akka Stream Kafka vs Kafka Streams

How to traverse array from both left to right and from right to left?

What is the _root_ package in Scala?

Scala class and case class == comparison

mutable vs. immutable in Scala collections

Convert list in Scala to a formatted string

Are multiple self-types possible?

Joining two dataframes without a common column

Isn't that code in tail recursive style?

Suppress "discarded non-Unit value" warning

Type Erasure in Scala

What is RDD in spark

Comparing Lift with Play2 [closed]