New posts in sbt

Unable to make field private static final java.util.HashMap java.lang.ProcessEnvironment.theEnvironment accessible

How to publish jar to local repository?

Can I access my Scala app's name and version (as set in SBT) from code?

How to Add Environment Profile Config to SBT

Run custom task automatically before/after standard task

Publishing Scala library with modules

Adding Play JSON Library to sbt

What's recommended .gitignore for Scala/sbt project in IntelliJ IDEA?

How do you remove the _<scala-version> postfix from artifacts built+published with simple-build-tool?

SBT compilation for play framework 2.x disabled by default

SBT: Start a command line 'run' of the main class of a non-default project

sbt: How can I add a local filesystem jar to my project?

Enforcing Java version for Scala project in sbt?

IntelliJ Cannot Import sbt Project

SBT doesn't find file in local maven repository although it's there

How to set main class in build?

How to prevent java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space at Scala compilation?

How to manage multiple interdependent modules with SBT and IntelliJ IDEA?

how to set main class in SBT 0.13 project

How to add "provided" dependencies back to run/test tasks' classpath?