How to publish jar to local repository?

I have a library compiled to a jar (not an sbt project, no source code, just the jar file) that's not available on a repository.

Is there a way to publish the jar locally so I can add the dependency using the libraryDependencies += "" % "xxx" % "1.0" notation? (I already know how to add the file to a project by copying it to the lib folder.)

Solution 1:

The publishLocal action is used to publish your project to a local Ivy repository. By default, this local repository is in ${user.home}/.ivy2/local. You can then use this project from other projects on the same machine source

EDIT: Sorry I misread your question. Here is an example to publish a jar or sources to your local ivy repo.

Solution 2:

tl;dr I'd call it a trick not a feature of sbt. You've been warned.

Let's say you've got file.jar to publish. As is for any build tool, sbt including, it's to execute tasks that eventually create an artifact - a jar file in most cases - out of the files in a project.

The project sets the coordinates for the artifact.

The trick is to leverage what sbt requires to set up the environment (= the coordinates) for the jar to be published (otherwise you'd have to specify them on command line that may or may not be very user friendly).

Create a build.sbt with the necessary settings - organization, name, version and possibly scalaVersion - and save it where the jar file is.

organization := ""

name := "my-own-publish-jar"

version := "1.0.0"

scalaVersion := "2.11.3"

packageBin in Compile := file(s"${name.value}_${scalaBinaryVersion.value}.jar")

You may've noticed, the build changes compile:package task to point at the jar file.

That's it.

Execute sbt publishLocal and the jar file should be in the Ivy2 local repository, i.e. ~/.ivy2/local/

protip Writing a plugin to do it with the coordinates specified on command line should be quite easy now.

Solution 3:

Let's say you have wetElephant.jar and wetElephant-javadoc.jar files some 3rd party library and corresponding javadocs which you want to publish to your local repo and referrence it from another project using libraryDependencies sbt taskKey.

Here's what you need to do.

  1. Put your libraries (wetElephant.jar and wetElephant-javadoc.jar) into modules\wetElephant
  2. Define project in your build.sbt file (or Build.scala file)

    lazy val stolenLib = project
        organization              := "com.stolenLibs",
        name                      := "wetElephant",
        version                   := "0.1-IDonKnow",
        crossPaths                := false,  //don't add scala version to this artifacts in repo
        publishMavenStyle         := true,
        autoScalaLibrary          := false,  //don't attach scala libs as dependencies
        description               := "project for publishing dependency to maven repo, use 'sbt publishLocal' to install it",
        packageBin in Compile     := baseDirectory.value / s"${name.value}.jar",
        packageDoc in Compile     := baseDirectory.value / s"${name.value}-javadoc.jar"
  3. Call publishLocal task from sbt/activator (I did it from activator and prefixed it with proejct name):

    ./activator wetElephant/publishLocal                   

... and read the output to see what and where was published:

    /cygdrive/d/devstation-workspace/projects/m4l-patches 1
      [info] Loading project definition from D:\devstation-workspace\projects\m4l-patches\project
      [info] Set current project to m4l-patches (in build file:/D:/devstation-workspace/projects/m4l-patches/)
      [info] Updating {file:/D:/devstation-workspace/projects/m4l-patches/}wetElephant...
    [info] Packaging D:\devstation-workspace\projects\m4l-patches\modules\wetElephant\target\wetelephant-0.1-IDonKnow-sources.jar ...
    [info] Done packaging.
    [info] Wrote D:\devstation-workspace\projects\m4l-patches\modules\wetElephant\target\wetelephant-0.1-IDonKnow.pom
      [info] Resolving org.fusesource.jansi#jansi;1.4 ...4 ....
    [info] Done updating.
    [info] :: delivering :: com.stolenLibs#wetelephant;0.1-IDonKnow :: 0.1-IDonKnow :: release :: Sun Dec 20 20:09:24 CET 2015
      [info]  delivering ivy file to D:\devstation-workspace\projects\m4l-patches\modules\wetElephant\target\ivy-0.1-IDonKnow.xml
      [info]  published wetelephant to C:\Users\pawell\.ivy2\local\com.stolenLibs\wetelephant\0.1-IDonKnow\poms\wetelephant.pom
      [info]  published wetelephant to C:\Users\pawell\.ivy2\local\com.stolenLibs\wetelephant\0.1-IDonKnow\jars\wetelephant.jar
      [info]  published wetelephant to C:\Users\pawell\.ivy2\local\com.stolenLibs\wetelephant\0.1-IDonKnow\srcs\wetelephant-sources.jar
      [info]  published wetelephant to C:\Users\pawell\.ivy2\local\com.stolenLibs\wetelephant\0.1-IDonKnow\docs\wetelephant-javadoc.jar
      [info]  published ivy to C:\Users\pawell\.ivy2\local\com.stolenLibs\wetelephant\0.1-IDonKnow\ivys\ivy.xml
      [success] Total time: 1 s, completed 2015-12-20 20:09:24
  1. Optionally use these libraries in another project

    libraryDependencies += "com.stolenLibs" % "wetElephant" % "0.1-IDontKnow"

Disclaimer: I don't know how not to publish sources...

Solution 4:

Here is a blog post I followed to push sbt artifact to a maven repository (local and remote) a few months ago.