New posts in ruby

Ruby on Rails: How can I edit database.yml for postgresql?

rails respond_to format.js API

Find key/value pairs deep inside a hash containing an arbitrary number of nested hashes and arrays

Uncompile Development Asset Pipeline

ActiveRecord find starts with

Parallel processing from a command queue on Linux (bash, python, ruby... whatever)

Simple rating system doesent do anything in ruby on rails

hash['key'] to hash.key in Ruby

Vim slow with ruby syntax highlighting

Can not install json gem with ruby 2.2.3 on Ubuntu

How do I sort in ruby/rails on two fields?

Ruby: Get filename without the extensions

OS X `gollum` install not working

Installing Ruby on Rails - Mac OS Lion

How to merge array of hashes to get hash of arrays of values

How do I use (n)curses in Ruby?

Installing Ruby with RVM in Ubuntu 14.04

swap space when installing phusion passenger

Rebase Rails migrations in a long running project

rails error on macos mojave 10.14.5: config/load_config.rb:5:in `require': cannot load such file -- configurate (LoadError)