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Inline ruby in :javascript haml tag? [duplicate]

Ruby Grammar

Why does Ruby use respond_to? instead of responds_to?

Use Rack::CommonLogger in Sinatra

Rails 3 invalid multibyte char (US-ASCII)

RSpec: stubbing Kernel::sleep?

Determining if an array of strings contains a certain substring in ruby

Rails 3 - Speed up Console Loading Time

Calling a parent instance variable from a sub class in ruby

Rails join a list of strings with commas and "and" before the last

INSERT multiple records using ruby on rails active record

Rake db:reset 'user does not have CONNECT privilege'

C# ?? operator in Ruby?

How to integrate SoundCloud in Ruby on Rails?

How to attach a message to RSpec check?

How to check if a gem is installed?

ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension - Error installing mysql2

How can I tell if I'm running from JRuby vs. Ruby?

Can you Distribute a Ruby on Rails Application without Source?

How to search an array in Ruby?