New posts in xunit

How to attach a message to RSpec check?

xUnit Equivalent of MSTest's Assert.Inconclusive

How can I stop the Visual Studio Test Runner when a test hangs

How to implement XUnit descriptive Assert message?

IMediator Mock returns null when I set up it in test

XUnit Assertion for checking equality of objects

Is it possible to use Dependency Injection with xUnit?

What happened to Assert.DoesNotThrowAsync() in xUnit?

xUnit or NUnit? What advantages and disadvantages of each other? [duplicate]

Populate IConfiguration for unit tests

Unit test exception messages with xUnit

Net Core: Execute All Dependency Injection in Xunit Test for AppService, Repository, etc

Unit Test C# Can we test catch block?

How to write unit test for Program and Startup cs file for ASP.NET Core Web API app

Mock Verify() Invocation

how to combine multiple assertion using FluentAssertions

Is it idiomatic Ruby to add an assert( ) method to Ruby's Kernel class?

Is there a set of "Lorem ipsums" files for testing character encoding issues?

How do I skip specific tests in xUnit based on current platform

xUnit general repository testing of add, update, delete