New posts in rspec

Rspec stubbing method for only specific arguments

In RSpec, is there a method equivalent to "unstub" but for "should_receive"?

Testing STDOUT output in Rspec

How to test a Controller Concern in Rails 4

RSpec: how to test file operations and file content

RSpec: specifying multiple calls to a method with different argument each time

How to test ApplicationController method defined also as a helper method?

Correct way of testing "associations" with Rspec?

Counting the number of queries performed

is Rails.cache purged between tests?

Is there a way to unstub in RSpec?

expected true to respond to true?

Minitest and Rspec [closed]

How to test rendering a partial with RSpec

RSpec allow/expect vs just expect/and_return

With RSpec, how to seed the database on load?

Selenium::WebDriver::Error::JavascriptError: waiting for evaluate.js load failed Firefox 23

Suppress console output during RSpec tests

What's the difference between "include_examples" and "it_behaves_like"?

How can I validate exits and aborts in RSpec?