New posts in ring-theory

What is the significance of multiplication (as distinct from addition) in algebra & ring theory?

Characteristic of a simple ring is either prime or $0$

Fermat's last theorem and $\mathbb{Z}[\xi]$

Is every commutative ring having the invariant basis number property equivalent to AC?

Graphically Organizing the Interrelationships of Basic Algebraic Structures

Why is the quotient map $SL_n(\mathbb{Z})$ to $SL_n(\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb Z)$ is surjective?

Is every prime element of a commutative ring "veryprime"?

Proving a commutative ring can be embedded in any quotient ring.

Is it really necessary to work with the fraction field here?

Isomorphic rings or not?

Minimal counterexamples of the isomorphism problem for integral group rings

If $A[[x]]$ is Noetherian, will $A$ be Noetherian?

Is it true that a flat module is torsion-free over an arbitrary ring? Does the reverse implication hold for finitely generated modules?

Is it necessary for non-zero quotient ring in a UFD but not PID to be an infinite set?

A formula for the radical of $\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}$.

Is the center of a ring an ideal?

Inverting $a+b\sqrt{2}$ in the field $\Bbb Q(\sqrt{2})$

What is the intuition behind defining this isomorphism?

A ring that is left Noetherian but not right noetherian

$F[x]/(x^2)\cong F[x]/(x^2 - 1)$ if and only if F has characteristic 2