New posts in riemannian-geometry

Why do horizontal curves have zero covariant derivative along their projection?

Riemannian measure and Hausdorff measure in a general Riemannian Manifold

What is Riemannian Manifold intuitively?

Injectivity radius

Are closed geodesics the prime numbers of Riemannian manifolds?

Ellipticity of Ricci tensor, does it depend on coordinates?

Why are parallel vector fields called parallel?

Impact of Riemannian Geometry on Group Theory

$L^p$ spaces between Riemannian Manifolds

If $\gamma(b)$ is not conjugate to $\gamma(a)$ along $\gamma$. Show that $I(V, V)=I(J, J)$ if and only if $V=J .$

frustrating experience about differential geometry

Why is a diffeomorphism an isometry if and only if it commutes with the Laplacian?

Relationship beween Ricci curvature and sectional curvature

Formula for curvature of two intersecting surfaces in terms of their normal curvature.

The existence of complete Riemannian metric

Curvature of a product of Riemannian manifolds

Riemannian metrics on homogeneous spaces

Does the curvature determine the metric?

Geodesic distance from point to manifold

Geodesic deviation in sphere and hyperbolic plane