New posts in retrofit2

How to set timeout in Retrofit-2.0+ android

how to run java and xml code (fetched from api) into another fragment

Retrofit and OkHttp basic authentication

NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Lokhttp3/internal/Platform

How to Exponential Backoff retry on kotlin coroutines

Why is RxJava often used with Retrofit?

Retrofit 2.0 throwing "IllegalArgumentException: @Field parameters can only be used with form encoding". How to do right API query and fix it?

Retrofit error-Missing either @GET URL or @Url parameter

Android Unit Test with Retrofit2 and Mockito or Robolectric

Retrofit 2 with only form-data

Send file to server via retrofit2 as object

Android Retrofit Design Patterns

Chaining requests in Retrofit + RxJava

Unsupported operation: Android, Retrofit, OkHttp. Adding interceptor in OkHttpClient

How can I return String or JSONObject from asynchronous callback using Retrofit?

Retrofit2.0 gets MalformedJsonException while the json seems correct?

Android pre-lollipop devices giving error "SSL handshake aborted: ssl=0x618d9c18: I/O error during system call, Connection reset by peer"

Retrofit2 error End of input at line 1 column 1

Retrofit Uploading multiple images to a single key

Retrofit/OkHttp api calls not completing: "read: unexpected EOF!" printed