Chaining requests in Retrofit + RxJava

I don't think using map operator is the best way to go with things like storing the result of the api call.

What I like to do is to separate those things inside doOnNext operators. So your example would be something like this:

        .doOnNext(modelA ->
        .flatMap(modelA -> apiService.B())
        .doOnNext(modelB ->;

(add necessary observeOn and subscribeOn yourself, exactly like you need them)

Yes, you can use flatmap for this exact purpose. See the below example (Assuming your service A returns Observable<FooA> and service B returns Observable<FooB>)

        .flatMap(new Func1<FooA, Observable<FooB>>() {
            public Observable<FooB> call(FooA fooA) {
                // code to save data from service A to db

                // call service B
                return api.serviceB();
         .subscribe(new Subscriber<FooB>() {
             public void onCompleted() {

             public void onError(Throwable e) {


             public void onNext(FooB fooB) {
                 // code to save data from service B to db
