New posts in repository

How can I do daily backups for my VisualSVN Repos? [duplicate]

Disable Maven central repository

Update log4j in Grails 2.4 results in "Could not transfer artifact from/to grailsCentral"

Getting Error messages while doing apt-get update [duplicate]

What are the pros and cons of the repository system concept used in Ubuntu (et al)?

I can't apt update

sbt: How can I add a local filesystem jar to my project?

Why doesn't use HTTPS? [duplicate]

How to use a sources list generator

Git push results in fatal: protocol error: bad line length character: This

What do the *-dev packages in the Linux package repositories actually contain?

installing ansible on ubuntu

How much percentage of non-free softwares do Ubuntu's repositories contain?

shell script to conditionally add apt repository

Cannot install PlayOnLinux - unment dependencies [duplicate]

Install a specific version version not listed using madison

Annotation-specified bean name conflicts with existing, non-compatible bean def

How can I download ubuntu packages in windows to install them on an offline ubuntu machine?

How to import a Project into bitbucket repository from Android Studio?

unable to add any repository via add-apt