How much percentage of non-free softwares do Ubuntu's repositories contain?

Though I didn't find such information on Ubuntu's documentation, I created a simple script to calculate it manually:


ubuntu_main=$(lynx -dump | grep ^Package: | wc -l)
ubuntu_universe=$(lynx -dump | grep ^Package: | wc -l)
ubuntu_restricted=$(lynx -dump | grep ^Package: | wc -l)
ubuntu_multiverse=$(lynx -dump | grep ^Package: | wc -l)


echo "Total number of packages on Ubuntu's main repository = $ubuntu_main"
echo "Total number of packages on Ubuntu's universe repository = $ubuntu_universe"
echo "Total number of packages on Ubuntu's restricted repository = $ubuntu_restricted"
echo "Total number of packages on Ubuntu's multivrese repository = $ubuntu_multiverse"

echo "Percentage of non-free packages on Ubuntu's repositories= $(echo $percentage*100 | bc -l) %"


$ ./sample 
Total Packages on Ubuntu's main repository = 6090
Total number of packages on Ubuntu's universe repository = 53206
Total number of packages on Ubuntu's restricted repository = 143
Total number of packages on Ubuntu's multivrese repository = 813
Percentage of non-free packages = 1.61225040474905558500 %

For Debian GNU/Linux:

$ cat sample 

debian_main=$(lynx -dump | grep ^Package: | wc -l)
debian_contrib=$(lynx -dump | grep ^Package: | wc -l)
debian_nonfree=$(lynx -dump | grep ^Package: | wc -l)


echo "Total number of packages on Debian's main repository = $debian_main"
echo "Total number of packages on Debian's contrib repository = $debian_contrib"
echo "Total number of packages on Debian's non-free repository = $debian_nonfree"

echo "Percentage of non-free packages on Debian GNU/Linux = $(echo $percentage*100 | bc -l) %"
$ ./sample 
Total number of packages on Debian's main repository = 56873
Total number of packages on Debian's contrib repository = 293
Total number of packages on Debian's non-free repository = 602
Percentage of non-free packages on Debian GNU/Linux = 1.57368171188437395600 %

Note: update and backport repositories are not considered for this analysis