New posts in reflection

How to get annotations of a member variable?

How can I determine the type of a generic field in Java?

Get property value from C# dynamic object by string (reflection?)

Get by reflection properties of class ,but not from inherited class

How to find all the classes which implement a given interface?

How does this Java code snippet work? (String pool and reflection) [duplicate]

How do you create a new instance of a struct from its type at run time in Go?

C#: how to get an object by the name stored in String?

How to find the child class name from base class?

How To Test if a Type is Anonymous? [duplicate]

Using IsAssignableFrom with 'open' generic types

Find type of nullable properties via reflection

'casting' with reflection

Why is it even possible to change a private member, or run a private method in C# using reflection? [duplicate]

Instantiate a class object with constructor that accepts a string parameter?

AddEventHandler using reflection

How to use URLClassLoader to load a *.class file?

What is the C# equivalent to Java's isInstance()?

Get all properties which marked certain attribute

Is there something like instanceOf(Class<?> c) in Java?