Using IsAssignableFrom with 'open' generic types

From the answer to another question:

public static bool IsAssignableToGenericType(Type givenType, Type genericType)
    var interfaceTypes = givenType.GetInterfaces();

    foreach (var it in interfaceTypes)
        if (it.IsGenericType && it.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == genericType)
            return true;

    if (givenType.IsGenericType && givenType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == genericType)
        return true;

    Type baseType = givenType.BaseType;
    if (baseType == null) return false;

    return IsAssignableToGenericType(baseType, genericType);

(If you like the answer please upvote the linked answer since the code isn’t mine.)

The exact code you posted does not return surprising results.

This says "false":

Type g1 = typeof(generic1<>);
Type g2 = typeof(generic2<>);
Console.WriteLine("g1.IsAssignableFrom(g2): {0}", g1.IsAssignableFrom(g2));

This says "true":

Type g1 = typeof(generic1<class1>);
Type g2 = typeof(generic2<class1>);
Console.WriteLine("g1.IsAssignableFrom(g2): {0}", g1.IsAssignableFrom(g2));

The difference is that open generic types cannot have instances, so one is not "assignable" to the other.

From the docs:

Returns true if c and the current Type represent the same type, or if the current Type is in the inheritance hierarchy of c, or if the current Type is an interface that c implements, or if c is a generic type parameter and the current Type represents one of the constraints of c. false if none of these conditions are true, or if c is null.

In this case, clearly none of these conditions are true. And there's an extra note:

A generic type definition is not assignable from a closed constructed type. That is, you cannot assign the closed constructed type MyGenericList<int> (MyGenericList(Of Integer) in Visual Basic) to a variable of type MyGenericList<T>.

In the following case use the method Konrad Rudolph provided could be wrong, like: IsAssignableToGenericType(typeof(A), typeof(A<>));// return false

I think here's a better answer

public static bool IsAssignableFrom(Type extendType, Type baseType)
    while (!baseType.IsAssignableFrom(extendType))
        if (extendType.Equals(typeof(object)))
            return false;
        if (extendType.IsGenericType && !extendType.IsGenericTypeDefinition)
            extendType = extendType.GetGenericTypeDefinition();
            extendType = extendType.BaseType;
    return true;

the test case, see Using IsAssignableFrom with C# generics for detail

using System;

 * Sam Sha -
 * */
namespace Test2
    class MainClass
        public static void Main (string[] args)
            string a = "ycoder";
            Console.WriteLine(a is object);
            A aa = new A();
            //Console.WriteLine(aa is A<>);//con't write code like this
            typeof(A<>).IsAssignableFrom(aa.GetType());//return false


            AAA aaa = new AAA();
            Trace("Use IsTypeOf:");
            Trace(IsTypeOf(aaa, typeof(A<>)));
            Trace(IsTypeOf(aaa, typeof(AA)));
            Trace(IsTypeOf(aaa, typeof(AAA<>)));

            Trace("Use IsAssignableFrom from stackoverflow - not right:");
            Trace(IsAssignableFrom(typeof(A), typeof(A<>))); // error
            Trace(IsAssignableFrom(typeof(AA), typeof(A<>)));
            Trace(IsAssignableFrom(typeof(AAA), typeof(A<>)));

            Trace("Use IsAssignableToGenericType:");
            Trace(IsAssignableToGenericType(typeof(A), typeof(A<>)));
            Trace(IsAssignableToGenericType(typeof(AA), typeof(A<>)));
            Trace(IsAssignableToGenericType(typeof(AAA), typeof(A<>)));

        static void Trace(object log){

        public static bool IsTypeOf(Object o, Type baseType)
            if (o == null || baseType == null)
                return false;
            bool result = baseType.IsInstanceOfType(o);
            if (result)
                return result;
            return IsAssignableFrom(o.GetType(), baseType);

        public static bool IsAssignableFrom(Type extendType, Type baseType)
            while (!baseType.IsAssignableFrom(extendType))
                if (extendType.Equals(typeof(object)))
                    return false;
                if (extendType.IsGenericType && !extendType.IsGenericTypeDefinition)
                    extendType = extendType.GetGenericTypeDefinition();
                    extendType = extendType.BaseType;
            return true;

        //from stackoverflow - not good enough
        public static bool IsAssignableToGenericType(Type givenType, Type genericType) {
            var interfaceTypes = givenType.GetInterfaces();

            foreach (var it in interfaceTypes)
                if (it.IsGenericType)
                    if (it.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == genericType) return true;

            Type baseType = givenType.BaseType;
            if (baseType == null) return false;

            return baseType.IsGenericType &&
                baseType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == genericType ||
                IsAssignableToGenericType(baseType, genericType);

    class A{}
    class AA : A{}
    class AAA : AA{}

My two cents. IMHO it doesn't make much sense to separate implements, derives or the original functionality of IsAssignableFrom,

Constructing from the answers previously given, this is how I do it:

public static bool ImplementsOrDerives(this Type @this, Type from)
    if(from is null)
        return false;
    else if(!from.IsGenericType)
        return from.IsAssignableFrom(@this);
    else if(!from.IsGenericTypeDefinition)
        return from.IsAssignableFrom(@this);
    else if(from.IsInterface)
        foreach(Type @interface in @this.GetInterfaces())
            if(@interface.IsGenericType && @interface.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == from)
                return true;

    if(@this.IsGenericType && @this.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == from)
        return true;

    return @this.BaseType?.ImplementsOrDerives(from) ?? false;