New posts in reference

Reference to a pointer

Passing an Array by reference in C

Initialization of a constant reference with a number [duplicate]

Where was the term "A1" first used?

Would a Java HashSet<String>'s contains() method test equality of the strings or object identity?

Why Can't I store references in a `std::map` in C++?

lack of page numbering

Visual Studio 2010: Reference Assemblies Targeting Higher Framework Version

Why can const char* const & = "hello" compile?

What would "they" refer to in this sentence?

Pass by pointer & Pass by reference [duplicate]


Section of paper, excluding sub-sections, without using section numbers

Difference between const. pointer and reference?

initial value of reference to non-const must be an lvalue

dereferencing a pointer when passing by reference

Is returning references of member variables bad practice?

pencil-sharpening (procrastination) link wanted

Please put it on the rack above yourself

How can I conditionally provide a default reference without performing unnecessary computation when it isn't used?