New posts in real-analysis

Horrible limit envolving floor function

If a convex set $S \subseteq R^n$ contains no ray, can you show that it's bounded?

Series $\sum \frac{\sin(n)}{n} \cdot \left(1+\cdots +\frac{1}{n}\right)$ convergence question

A question about Measurable function

Real Analysis, Folland Problem 1.3.15 Measures

Why doesn't pointwise bounded imply uniform bounded?

Inequalities in $l_p$ norm

For which conditions on countable sets does continuity implies uniform continuity

Prob. 11, Chap. 4 in Baby Rudin: uniformly continuous extension from a dense subset to the entire space

Part 1: Does the arithmetic mean of sides right triangles to the mean of their hypotenuse converge?

Can the the radius of convergence increase due to composition of two power series?

$|f(x)-f(y)|\le(x-y)^2$ without gaplessness

Is a real number the limit of a Cauchy sequence, the sequence itself, a shrinking closed interval of rational numbers, or what?

Example of a set $Y$ that has zero Lebesgue measure and a continuous function $f$ such that $f(Y)$ is not a set of zero Lebesgue measure.

Find a solution for $f\left(\frac{1}{x}\right)+f(x+1)=x$

Is $\cup_{k=1}^\infty (r_k-\frac{1}{k}, r_k+\frac{1}{k}) = \mathbb{R}$?

Can a function $f:\mathbb{R}^2 \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^3$ have a derivative at $a$ with rank $<2$ and still have a tangent plane at $a$?

Compute the trigonometric integrals

What is the integral of a vector-valued function?

Are strict local minima of a general function always countable?