Why doesn't pointwise bounded imply uniform bounded?

Solution 1:

The short answer is: there need not be a real number that is the supremum of the values of $\phi(x)$. You may have $\sup\{\phi(x)\mid x \in E\} = \infty$. If that is the case, you're out of luck.

Solution 2:

This an excellent example of a subtle issue that keeps coming up. The property of being pointwise bounded ensures that for every element of your domain of definition the sequence of functions is bounded at that point. Where as uniform boundedness says that there exists an upper bound that holds for every element of your domain.

I decided to answer this old question because I had a very similar thought regarding The Principle of Uniform Boundedness in my Functional Analysis class.
Another point worth mentioning is that this is yet another case where the quantifiers do not commute. Another classical example being Uniform Convergence vs Pointwise Convergence