New posts in random-variables

Prove that the CDF of a random variable is always right-continuous

Distribution of sine of uniform random variable on $[0, 2\pi]$

Find the Probability Distribution of 12 Coin Tosses (Conditional Probability)

Conditional return time of simple random walk

Expected Extinction Time in Branching Process

Tossing a coin with at least $k$ consecutive heads

Does the Expectation of the random variable $X^{-1}Y^{-1}Z$require that we know the joint density of $X^{-1}Y^{-1}Z$?

Joint PDF of two random variables in a triangle

Conditional Expectation of X given X^2

Derive Student T distribution using transformation theorem

Conditional Expectation involving Uniform Random Variables. [duplicate]

Can random variable $X$ take $2$ (or more values) in this situation?

Find the probability mass function of $Y=\min(X,c)$

Are these two definitions of independence of random variables equivalent?

How to properly define conditional probabilities on metric spaces?

Expected Value Explanation

Why is the expected value (mean) of a variable written using square brackets?

Random Variable - Birthday Problem

If $X, Y$ and $Z$ are non identical and independent exponential random variables, what is the probability density function of $X + Y - Z$? [closed]

Finding convolution of exponential and uniform distribution- how to set integral limits?