New posts in quotations

Can you introduce a direct quotation with "that" and not accommodate conjugation and pronouns?

How are bracket ellipsis [...] used in quotations?

Should you start a new paragraph for a new speaker if both speakers are contained in the same quoted passage?

Rules for three sets of quotation marks [duplicate]

Plurals of quotations: “Chorus of ‘Hello’s”; “Ooh”s & “Ah”s [duplicate]

Any reference on the usage of a backtick and single quotation mark like `this'?

Should you capitalize run-in sentence? [duplicate]

The usage of "sic" in writing

Where should the period be put when an entire sentence is quoted at the end of a sentence?

Quoting a question at the end of a sentence which is itself a question

Does a comma have to be used before a quotation? [duplicate]

Strange usage of quotations in Wikpedia article [closed]

What is the best way to mention a word: italics, quotes, or single-quotes (apostrophes)?

Is there a comma needed before quotation?

Appropriate dash to use when attributing a quotation?

Why does the multi-paragraph quotation rule exist?

How do you quote a passage that has used '[sic]' mistakenly?