Should you capitalize run-in sentence? [duplicate]

So I come up with a question in narration, and here's a few example:

I know from her smile that she was saying "you look like an idiot" to me.

She was more likely than not dishing me out with “do this fool even know how to make a golem?” sarcasm.

At that moment, I heard someone shouting “Kill! Kill! Kill!” and saw that a crazy person running rampant on the street and stabbing the pedestrians.

Two of the nearby men complied and quickly grabbed the insane man down screaming “Let go of me!” over and over.

I don't know what this thing is called, but I'm confused in whether capitalizing them or not. So if you can help, I will be the most grateful.

I know for a fact that a normal construction like this, He raised his eyebrows, saying, "Hey, that hat is mine." Is capitalized.

Solution 1:

The quoted words are direct speech. The speaker's words should always begin with a capital letter, whatever their position in the sentence, so in your first example the woman's implied words should read "You look like an idiot".