New posts in pygame

Pygame: key.get_pressed() does not coincide with the event queue

Python - How can I make this un-pickleable object pickleable?

Python - create an EXE that runs code as written, not as it was when compiled

Not able to shoot bullet in pygame

How to scale images to screen size in Pygame

'Cannot import name games'

Adding points every second independent from the rest of the program

python pygame: Draw loaded image at current mouse click position

How to display text in pygame? [duplicate]

pygame.error: video system not initialized

How do I change the pygame icon?

I'm trying to move a monkey with arrow keys but every time I try to move it, the monkeys leaves a black trail behind

Trouble animating sprites (Pygame)

Why does my pygame program slowdown, when I move my mouse?

Is there a way to place number on the center of the screen in pygame?

How to implement barriers to stop the player moving through walls [duplicate]

Pygame and Numpy Animations

How do I focus light or how do I only draw certain circular parts of the window in pygame?

How to make a circular object jump using pygame? [duplicate]

tips on Adding/creating a drop down selection box in pygame