New posts in puppet

How can I pass configure options when installing php extensions with pecl?

Puppet file transfer slow

What are compelling use cases for having both Chef/Puppet and RightScale/Scalr?

Could not call sign: Could not find certificate request for puppet

puppet could not evaluate: could not retrieve information from environment

When puppet exec's as a user, how can I get environment set for that user?

Create a file only if the directory exists?

Use puppet to make changes to ip route and sysctl

How to instantiate multiple instances of the same resource using Hiera

Why do people use Puppet/Chef with Amazon Cloud Formation instead of just using CloudInit?

puppet service not stopping service

Lowercase variable values in a Puppet template

Can any puppet agent get any puppet file from the master?

Version Controlling Foreman & Puppet

How can I deploy rolling OS upgrades & reboots with Puppet or MCollective?

How to set up Cobbler with Puppet or Cfengine?

Unexpected Puppet notify order

Configuration management: Cross-machine dependencies

Puppet 5.5.22, dnfmodule reset

SSH keys management system