puppet service not stopping service

notice ("This should be echoed")
service { "iptables":
    ensure => "stopped",

This does not stop iptables, I am not sure why. service iptables stop works fine. Puppet 2.6.17 on CentOS 6.3.


 node 'linux-dev' {
    include mycompany::install::apache::init
    include mycompany::config::services::init


class mycompany::config::services::init {
    if ($::id == "root") {
        service { 'iptables':
        #name => '/sbin/iptables',
        #enable => false,
        #hasstatus => true,
        ensure => stopped
    notice ("IPTABLES is now being stopped...")

    file { '/tmp/puppet_still_works':
        ensure => 'present',
        owner => root

    } else {
    err("Error: this manifest must be run as the root user!")

It is different for iptables since there is no daemon, it is not like for crond daemon for example. Service type will look in the process table for a process name "iptables" and if it is not there it will assume it is stopped. Add 'hasstatus => true' and it will work. EDITED: status => "true", worked this usually supplies for type service manually, this command must return 0 if the service is running and a nonzero value otherwise.

notice ("This should be echoed")
service { "iptables":
    ensure => "stopped",
    hasstatus => "true",
    status => "true",    
