New posts in pthreads

when g++ static link pthread, cause Segmentation fault, why?

__POSIX_VISIBLE is ruining my pthreading on cygwin

Undefined reference to 'pthread_create' — linker command option order (libraries before/after object files?) [duplicate]

sem_init on OS X

Wake up thread blocked on accept() call

When the main thread exits, do other threads also exit?

Does guarding a variable with a pthread mutex guarantee it's also not cached?

Why does these two threads not run synchronously?

Multiple arguments to function called by pthread_create()?

What is the Re-entrant lock and concept in general?

POSIX threads and signals

mingw-w64 threads: posix vs win32

C++11 std::threads vs posix threads

Why does pthread_cond_wait have spurious wakeups?

How can I skip reading from a connected client in C?

Why do pthreads’ condition variable functions require a mutex?

cmake and libpthread

Difference between -pthread and -lpthread while compiling

What's the difference between deadlock and livelock?

Significance of -pthread flag when compiling