Multiple arguments to function called by pthread_create()?

Because you say

struct arg_struct *args = (struct arg_struct *)args;

instead of

struct arg_struct *args = arguments;


struct arg_struct *args = (struct arg_struct *)arguments;

in place of

struct arg_struct *args = (struct arg_struct *)args;

main() has it's own thread and stack variables. either allocate memory for 'args' in the heap or make it global:

struct arg_struct {
    int arg1;
    int arg2;

//declares args as global out of main()

Then of course change the references from args->arg1 to args.arg1 etc..


struct arg_struct *args = malloc(sizeof(struct arg_struct));

And pass this arguments like this:

pthread_create(&tr, NULL, print_the_arguments, (void *)args);

Don't forget free args! ;)

The args of print_the_arguments is arguments, so you should use:

struct arg_struct *args = (struct arg_struct *)arguments.