New posts in protocols

iPhone display date picker on UITextField touch

TCP connection handshake

How to define initializers in a protocol extension?

Which protocol? svn:// or http(s)://?

Swift Equatable on a protocol

Cannot find protocol declaration

Xcode 10.2 with Swift 5.0 compiler - protocol inheritance issue

Using some protocol as a concrete type conforming to another protocol is not supported

Could someone please explain LDAP?


How to pass one SwiftUI View as a variable to another View struct

KVO vs NSNotification vs protocol/delegates?

Implementing Bittorrent Protocol

Can I have an init func in a protocol?

How do I declare a variable that has a type and implements a protocol?

What is the technology behind wechat, whatsapp and other messenger apps? [closed]

Swift protocol error: 'weak' cannot be applied to non-class type

What's the difference between a protocol extended from AnyObject and a class-only protocol?

How to switch between TLS 1.0 and SSL 3.0 at Java/JRE level?

shorthand http:// as // for script and link tags? anyone see / use this before?