New posts in probability

Find $E(|X-Y|^a)$ where $X$ and $Y$ are independent uniform on $(0,1)$

Expected Value of Maximum of Two Lognormal Random Variables

Probability of exceeding a value with a given expectation and variance?

What is the probability of finding a sorted sequence of length $L$ in an array of $N$ randomly generated numbers?

How do I figure out what kind of distribution this is?

Is the variance of a sum of infinitely many independent random variables the sum of their variances?

Problem on convergence random variable

convergence in mean square implies convergence of variance

Is the variance concave?

When probability of finding similar chips will be more than N%?

A longer series is better for a better team: Can you see this at a glance?

Extension of Pratt's Lemma

Formula for odds of succeeding at least one 1/4096 roll out of n attempts, and at what point should it reasonably of been successful

If $E(Y\mid X)$ is constant then $X, Y$ are uncorrelated.

Probability of two integers' square sum divisible by $10$

Are two independent events $A$ and $B$ also conditionally independent given the event $C$?

Are two random vectors independent, iff every pair of components from each vector are independent?

About a domain of random variable $S_n=X_1+X_2+...+X_n$

IID Random Variables that are not constant can't converge almost surely

Matching Hats AND Coats Problem