New posts in probability

Generalization the time elapsed in Poisson Process

Probability of crossing a point in a given time window

Expected number of balls chosen from bag, I throw out everything in the bag with numbers less than the ball's

memoryless property of exponential distributions with random variables

I pick a number n, if you guess it, I pay you $n. What is the fair value of the game?

Expectation of inverse of sum of random variables

Proof of linearity for expectation given random variables are dependent

What is the expected number of trials until x successes?

Uniform distribution on $N$ and real line

How many times would you have to roll a single die on average to reach a sum of at least 30?

Binomial Distribution Problem - Airline Overbooking

Connecting noodles probability question

Probability: Permutations

The limit of $\frac{|A_n|}{n^2}$

Random variable does not have an expectation

Show that $P(C)=P(A\cup B)P(C\mid A)-P(A\cap B)P(C'\mid A)$

Which strategy is best for this simple probabilistic game...

Cumulative distribution function of Cauchy distribution

If $X\geq0$ is a random variable, show that $\lim\limits_{n\to\infty}\frac1nE\left(\frac{1}{X}I\left\{X>\frac{1}{n}\right\}\right)=0$ [duplicate]

Stable convergence implies convergence of second moments?