New posts in probability

If n balls are thrown into k bins, what is the probability that every bin gets at least one ball?

Is it possible to 'split' coin flipping 3 ways?

If $X$ is Gaussian, prove that $X-\lfloor X \rfloor \sim U(0,1)$ as its variance becomes large

Show $\mathbb{E}[f(X)g(X)] \geq \mathbb{E}[f(X)]\mathbb{E}[g(X)]$ for $f,g$ bounded, nondecreasing

probability textbooks

Example of Pairwise Independent but not Jointly Independent Random Variables?

When Jensen's inequality is equality

How dos a random variable $X$ is connected with the set over which is uniformly distributed?

Calculating probabilities over longer period of time

Probability and measure theory

Knight returning to corner on chessboard -- average number of steps

Calculating probabilities over different time intervals

Covariance of 2 random variables

A three-way duel (probability puzzle)

Broken stick probability problem

Probability of $n$ successes in a row at the $k$-th Bernoulli trial... geometric?

If two sets have a natural (asymptotic) density, does their union?

A man who lies a fourth of the time throws a die and says it is a six. What is the probability it is actually a six?

What is the expected value of the number of die rolls necessary to get a specific number?

Probability about a coin games