New posts in principal-ideal-domains

Are all subrings of the rationals Euclidean domains?

Ring of Polynomials is a Principal Ideal Ring implies Coefficient Ring is a Field?

How to determine which classes of integral domains a quadratic integer ring is in? [duplicate]

Why any field is a principal ideal domain?

Can any set of $n$ relatively prime elements be extended to an invertible matrix?

Isomorphism of direct sums $R/a \oplus R/b \cong R/{\rm lcm}(a,b)\oplus R/\gcd(a,b)$

Dedekind domain with a finite number of prime ideals is principal

Example of a domain where all irreducibles are primes and that is not a GCD domain

If $A$ is a Principal Ideal Domain, and $\mathfrak{a}$ its ideal. prove that $\frac{A}{\mathfrak{a}}$ is also a Principal Ideal Domain.

Show that every ideal of the ring $\mathbb Z$ is principal

For which $d$ is $\mathbb Z[\sqrt d]$ a principal ideal domain?

Proving the quotient of a principal ideal domain by a prime ideal is again a principal ideal domain [closed]

A prime ideal of a polynomial ring over a PID can be generated by two elements. [duplicate]

If any "dividing" chain "terminates" at some point, does that imply an integral domain being P.I.D.?

A case where a UFD is a PID

Showing that $x+x^2$ belongs to an ideal in $\mathbb{Z}_2[x]$

Let $D$ be an integral domain and let $c\in D$ be irreducible in $D$. Show the ideal $(x,c)$ in $D[x]$ is not principal. [duplicate]

Euclid's Lemma in a PID: irreducibles are prime: $ \pi\mid ab\Rightarrow \pi\mid a\,$ or $\pi\mid b$

Every principal ideal domain satisfies ACCP.

For which values of $d<0$ , is the subring of quadratic integers of $\mathbb Q[\sqrt{d}]$ is a PID?