New posts in preferences

Can't see list of screen resolutions anymore when Option-Clicking the Scaled button on macOS 10.15.4 signature preferences too big for screen

Bluetooth Device Shows Up In Menu But Not In Preferences

How to set Guake as preferred terminal emulator for "Run in Terminal"?

macOS - Difference between /Library/Preferences/ & /Library/Managed\ Preferences

How can I avoid accidental right-clicks now that the Macbook trackpad is so big?

How to change font size and font for all profiles in terminal?

Create System Preferences URL to Privacy Files and Folders in 10.15 Catalina

Programatically modify tag visibility, order

Where is the Replace/With list stored?

Android: application-wide font-size preference

'defaults write PasswordManagerEnabled true' has no effect

What files are accessed when an app starts up?

Terminal - different window colors?

Quicktime now reopens last video. How to avoid?

Certain apps occasionally won't unhide once hidden

Increase shaken pointer size

How to Sync MacOS Applications + Preferences across multiple Macs without OS X Server?

How can I launch a printer scanner from Spotlight?

Copying printer preset .plist files (Mavericks)