New posts in ppa

How do I copy a package from Debian to my PPA?

Is there a PPA for gvim > 7.4.338?

apt update "Certificate verification failed: The certificate is NOT trusted" [duplicate]

How do I install the Lubuntu Software Center?

How do I install the latest Blender 3D builds from a PPA?

Where can I find Vagrant packages?

Can a PPA be added to an Ubuntu repo mirror?

Can a deb package contain a PPA dependency and install packages from the PPA? does not support https

Adding a ppa repo and get key signed - no valid OpenPGP data - proxy issue?

Where would I find a PPA for the newest version of GIMP?

How can I check if a PPA has packages for another Ubuntu version?

Why must a PPA Label change be explicitly accepted in `apt`?

Create apt-get install for own software

How to install PgAdmin3 version 1.20.0 in Ubuntu 14.04

RabbitVCS on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

Delete PPA after install the software?

Is the ppa of LibreOffice to be considered safe for the system?

Wine 1.7 not installing on Xubuntu 15.10

How do you add Debian experimental repo to Ubuntu, for those understanding the risks associated?