New posts in posix

How much overhead is there when creating a thread?

Converting datetime to POSIX time

File opening mode in Ruby

POSIX-Compliant Way to Scope Variables to a Function in a Shell Script

Win32 API analog of sending/catching SIGTERM

Differences between /usr/bin/login and /usr/bin/bash

How are the O_SYNC and O_DIRECT flags in open(2) different/alike?

MacOS command-line - possible to write portable scripts across MacOS and Linux?

Is there a Java library of Unix functions?

Monotonic clock on OSX

Launching executable in C++

Where are all my inodes being used?

does PATH search include symlinks?

Create statically-linked binary that uses getaddrinfo?

Get POSIX/Unix time in seconds and nanoseconds in Python?

Setting per-directory umask using ACLs

Why does a read-only open of a named pipe block?

How to redirect the output back to the screen after freopen("out.txt", "a", stdout)

UDP-Broadcast on all interfaces

convert character to date *quickly* in R [duplicate]