New posts in java-native-interface

Android - accessing files in native C/C++ code with Google Scoped Storage API

Why do some Android phones cause our app to throw an java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError?

FindClass from any thread in Android JNI

How to set the java.library.path in intelliJ Idea

NewStringUTF() and freeing memory

WARNING: ABIs [armeabi-v7a,armeabi] set by '' gradle flag contained 'ARMEABI' not targeted by this project

How do I convert jstring to wchar_t *

How to link any library in ndk application

Is there any way to pass a Java Array to C through JNI without making a copy of it?

Calling a DLL from an Applet via JNI

jni.h: no such file or directory

Java Native Interface 32 bit dll on 64 bit system

How to get "printf" messages written in NDK application?

SQLite with Android NDK

Unity3d integration with android

Javah error while using it in JNI

JNI - How to callback from C++ or C to Java?

How to Find memory leaks from native code in android

Can OpenCV for Android leverage the standard C++ Support to get native build support on Android Studio 2.2 for Windows?

passing string array from java to C with JNI