New posts in java-native-interface

Is it possible to use sun.misc.Unsafe to call C functions without JNI?

In JNI, how do I cache the class, methodID, and fieldIDs per IBM's performance recommendations?

Keeping a global reference to the JNIEnv environment

Use 32-bit jni libraries on 64-bit android

Convert JNI types to Native types

Producing optimised NDK code for multiple architectures?

Unable to install rJava in R 3.0 in Ubuntu 13.04

Java thread leaks when calling back from native thread via JNI

Can't load IA 32-bit .dll on a AMD 64-bit platform

How to create an object with JNI?

Write file to location other than SDcard using Android NDK?

Is there a Java library of Unix functions?

What is the 'correct' way to store a native pointer inside a Java object?

How to call C++ from Java?

Extract code from .aar file Android

Linking static library with JNI

What is a native implementation in Java? [duplicate]

Android NDK java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: findLibrary returned null

Generating Java interface with SWIG

Can I call Java from Node.js via JNI and how?