New posts in pokemon-first-generation

What determines the gender of a Gen-1 Pokemon?

How can I guarantee that the skeleton forms of MissingNo appear?

How do I get the other two starter pokemon?

Is there a better strategy for beating Agatha at the lowest possible level in Pokémon Red/Blue?

What are the odds of getting a Pokemon with perfect/max stats in Generation I?

Does it matter at which level a Pokémon is given a Moon Stone?

Is it possible to transfer MissingNo. and other Gen 1 Glitch Pokémon to the PokéBank?

Is the accuracy of Whirlwind not affected by moves such as Flash?

Why can't I use my Gyarados in Pokemon Stadium?

Lowest possible Pokemon level to beat Lorelei in Pokémon Red/Blue?

How do you upload Pokemon from the Virtual Console versions of R/B/Y to the Pokemon Bank?

How can I transfer the 'Mew Glitch' Mew to Pokebank?

Is it possible to get to Diglett's Cave in the sequence suggested by the Pokemon Blue/Red town map?

Celadon City Game Corner Slot Machine Odds

How do Critical Hit attacks work in Pokémon Gen 1?

Has fishing/surfing on the Gym statues in Pokemon Gen I ever been explained?

How to level up weak Pokémon in Pokémon Red?

Do the Virtual Console Pokémon games use the original IV/EV system, or the revised system introduced in gen III?

Is there any way to know when my Pokemon reached max EV on Gen I or II games?

Can wild and trainer pokemon run out of PP in Pokemon Yellow?