New posts in pipe

Coerce scp(1), sftp(1), or rsync(1) into transferring a named pipe

Posting file to pastebin via Batch with CURL

extract a few members from tar archive and pipe through network

Bash: Execute piped lines from stdin

Git for Windows leaking processes under WSL

How do you use PIPESTATUS, tee and /bin/sh together?

Bash command for regular expression substitution

How do you determine the actual command that is piping into you?

How to pipe a text file containing mongod arguments to mongod command

How to pipe input to python line by line from linux program?

Why doesn't more Java code use PipedInputStream / PipedOutputStream?

Piping with Moreutils ts

How to make a python script "pipeable" in bash?

Is it possible to pipe a list of files to RMDIR on Windows?

How to avoid echo closing FIFO named pipes? - Funny behavior of Unix FIFOs

Delete a list of files with find and grep

Postfix - Pipe multiple recipient message as a single message

How can I gather the output of a while loop in a single pipe?

xargs: command substitution $(...) with pipe doesn't work

Example of using named pipes in Linux shell (Bash)