New posts in photos

Figuring out what Photo Stream is uploading exactly

iPhone 7+ resists 11 methods at having its pictures transferred. What now?

Automatically delete photo from Photo Stream when deleted in iPhoto or Aperture

Delete "Recently Deleted" album on iOS 8?

How can I delete original photos locally and retain the low-res versions?

Remove Faces Permanently from Photos Library

OSX Photos is Forcing Me to Optimize Storage With Plenty of Free Space

How to make Windows 7 aware about iPhone photo orientation

How much overhead (%) space requires migrating a iPhoto library to a Photo library?

"Picture Frame" mode on modern iPad

With "Optimise iPhone Storage" mode, is it possible to tell iPhone to keep some photos/videos always locally available?

How to select photos from an album using smart ablum like rules

Recover photographs from Photos library

Apple Photos Library Error 1000

How can I see where thinks the System Photo Library is?

I have deleted all photos from my iPhone 4s but phone usage and iTunes still show 16gb of photos

How can I retrieve picture files from the Photos App on Mac OS X (Yosemite)?

Is there a way to rotate multiple photos at once in the camera roll?

deleted photos still take up storage

How to offload already downloaded photos to iCloud?