New posts in face-recognition

How do I see the queue of untagged faces in the 2015 Mac Photos App?

In Aperture, is there a way to confirm faces in bulk?

Can I tag Faces on iOS using the iPhoto app?

iOS 10 face recognition - how to reset the list of detected people?

Bounding boxes returned without detected face image in dlib python

How can I force the Photos app on my iPhone to recognize faces

Is there a face recognition command line tool?

Tool for Automatically Blurring People in Photos [closed]

Face Recognition on Android

Open source face recognition for Android [closed]

Remove Faces Permanently from Photos Library

Website that uses iPhoto or Photos library as the database

Where can I find raw data for Apple photo's face recognition

iOS 10 face recognition - Merge people?

How to disable faces/people recognition in iOS10?

Face Detection in Android?

How can I make the face recognition process continue?

How can a new iPhone know the names of people in my photos?

Android camera2 face detection

Why is there a doubled name in the Photos app when I search to name faces?