New posts in perl

How to create Excel xlsx files from a script?

Extracting data from Excel XML files using perl XML::Twig handlers when tags (nodes) contain prefix

What are your suggestions for an ideal Vim configuration for Perl development?

Run Perl CGI Scripts On CentOS 7 With Apache/Httpd

What's broken about exceptions in Perl?

Counting number of occurrences of a string inside another (Perl)

Why does my Perl script exit with 137?

How to see if a directory exists or not in Perl?

How can I guess the encoding of a string in Perl?

How to implement an IMP function that returns a large struct type determined at run-time?

How can I match a quote-delimited string with a regex?

How do I choose a package name for a custom Perl module that does not collide with builtin or CPAN packages names?

How can I change ^L code in many files in Ubuntu?

How can I detect the operating system in Perl?

SSH file transfers hang after ~700KB

Getting Perl DBD::mysql working on OS X 10.7?

Why is "!!" considered bad form in Perl?

How can I run a Perl script as a system daemon in linux?

Installing a second version of e.g. git, perl and or python on osx lion