Extracting data from Excel XML files using perl XML::Twig handlers when tags (nodes) contain prefix

OK, I've found a solution. Turns out that XML::Twig has an optional argument


I can use this to fix my problem. So, my original code

my $t= XML::Twig->new(twig_roots => {'worksheet/sheetData/row/c' => 
         sub { Get_Sheet_Data_TEST_1(@_,\@Results);}})->parse($sheetFile);


my $t= XML::Twig->new(
map_xmlns => {
        'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main' => 's'},
twig_roots => {'s:worksheet/s:sheetData/s:row/s:c' => 
       sub { Get_Sheet_Data_TEST_1(@_,\@Results);}})->parse($sheetFile);

Now my handler works for all prefixes (even empty ones!).

As written in the XML::Twig documentation:


This option is passed a hashref that maps uri's to prefixes. The prefixes in the document will be replaced by the ones in the map. The mapped prefixes can (actually have to) be used to trigger handlers, navigate or query the document.