New posts in package-management

Fresh install of 64bit Ubuntu needs flash but adobe doesn't have a version for me

How do I access the `aptitude why` functionality through Aptitude’s interactive interface?

Not able to fix the error "Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages."

Install Latest Nvidia Drivers: unmet dependencies

Unable to insall libgtk2.0-dev on ubuntu 12.04

Removing a package and related files/folders, then re-adding tomcat caused some issues

How to install the latest version of ImageMagick?

Is a list of selected packages stored in the file system?

"Unable to locate package" error during apt-get uninstall

How do I install Nautilus-Elementary?

Download packages via apt without root privlidges

Package fwupd-signed being kept back on Ubuntu 20.10

JREs from different vendors on the same system

How to reinstall a apt-get dist-upgrade?

How to transfer the apt keyring to another computer

How do I programmatically detect that my launchpad build process is done?

Why wasn't my kernel upgraded when I upgraded the system?

ImageMagick cannot be detected by moviepy?

`sudo apt autoremove` suggests removing large package

I accidentally removed the entire /usr/share/bug directory