New posts in osgi

OSGI - handling 3rd party JARs required by a bundle

How to create OSGi bundle from jar library?

A cycle was detected in the build path of project xxx - Build Path Problem

Why can't JAXB find my jaxb.index when running inside Apache Felix?

When should I use Import-Package and when should I use Require-Bundle?

Why are some OSGi bundles in Eclipse extracted into directoris instead of being packaged as JARs?

Intellij generate javadoc for methods and classes

What is OSGi and what are some examples of its use?

Java plugin framework choice [closed]

How to use JavaFX Preloader with stand-alone application in Eclipse?

What exactly is Apache Karaf?

How to start with OSGi

OSGi, Java Modularity and Jigsaw

OSGi: What are the differences between Apache Felix and Apache Karaf?

Run OSGi Console of RCP Application (NOT the Host OSGi console)

Why are uses constraints violated when both chains end in the same bundle?

Reading my own Jar's Manifest

What does OSGi solve?