New posts in jaxb

Prevent XXE Attack with JAXB

Java XML Binding [closed]

Where I can find a detailed comparison of Java XML frameworks? [closed]

JAXB - Creating modules for reuse

JAXB filtered parsing

XML Schema to validate XML Schemas?

Excluding fields in JAXB

JAXB use String as it is

Handling XML escape characters (e.g. quotes) using JAXB Marshaller

JAXB Marshalling with null fields

How do I prevent JAXBElement<String> from being generated in a CXF Web Service client?

How to deal with JAXB ComplexType with MixedContent data?

Why does JAXB need a no arg constructor for marshalling?

Using StAX to create index for XML for quick access

java.util.List is an interface, and JAXB can't handle interfaces

Getting Marshall result into String

Dealing with duplicate classes with multiple maven-jaxb2-plugin executions using different schemas with the same base schema

Java/JAXB: Unmarshall XML attributes to specific Java object attributes

How generate XMLElementWrapper annotation with xjc and customized binding

I want to convert an output stream into String object