New posts in ordinal-numbers

Should ordinal indicators be inline?

Why not elevenst, twelvend, and thirteenrd?

Design a question (addressing the chronological order involved) which is answered by say 'Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States' [duplicate]

How to ask about ordinal place of an offspring? [duplicate]

How can I properly ask this question? [duplicate]

Why doesn't "ninth" have an "e", like "ninety"?

Is there a straightforward word for "The thing in between first and second"?

How do I ask what "number" Obama was president at? [duplicate]

How do you pronounce "xth"?

Pronunciation of numbers in address [closed]

Why is there a period after the roman numeral in a royal title?

How manieth as an ordinal number question [duplicate]

How exactly is "another" an ordinal number? Please give examples

1st hour, 2nd hour, 3rd hour... But how to say "zero"-th hour?

Roman numerals used for ordinals

Is “-th” still a productive suffix in English?

“20th century” vs. “20ᵗʰ century”

How manyth son to your father? [duplicate]

"Firstly" or "first"?

First, … Secondly, … &c