How exactly is "another" an ordinal number? Please give examples

In my Collins Grammar book, it says that another can in ways be an ordinal number. I understand how next or last can be ordinal numbers because they point to something in an ordered sequence. Instead of saying "The second place winner is..." I can say "The next winner is..." But I don't fully understand how "another" can be an ordinal.

Please include examples, thank you!

I assume this is what is meant by "ordinal number"


I. A second, further, additional.

1. One more, one further; originally a second of two things; subsequently extended to anything additional or remaining beyond those already considered; an additional.

b. with n. not expressed. (Pl. others.)

2021 The Butterfly Garden: By Sophie Anderson

‘Here, let me,’ Erin said, tipping a white tablet into Maggie’s hand.

'I need two, give me another.’ Erin tipped the second pill into her palm and held onto the bottom of the glass as Maggie took it to her lips.*

However, in the broader sense, you can see the parallel between "Give me a third... a fourth... a fifth... another."